Snoring and Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA)
Snoring is a common part sleep for many people, and as annoying as it may be to those who hear it there is nothing harmful about it on its own. In certain cases, though, snoring can indicate the presence Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA), a potentially serious sleep disorder. How can you tell the difference? Look for these signs to determine if someone’s noisy nighttime breathing warrants a trip to the doctor’s office.
While light sighs during sleep aren’t usually cause for concern, deeper and more audible snorts can be. Louder snores have a greater chance of being associated with OSA.
Many people are occasional snorers, especially if they’re suffering from a cold or congestion—or anything that causes a temporary blockage of the airways. With an underlying condition like OSA, though, a person will snore nearly every night even when he or she is otherwise in good health.
Gasping and Trouble Breathing
Episodes of snoring that are interrupted by gasps, choking sounds, or irregular pauses in breathing may suggest something more serious is afoot. Telltale signs of OSA include snoring sessions that are punctuated by bouts of breathlessness.
Other Symptoms Accompany Snoring
For people with OSA, snoring doesn’t usually occur in a vacuum. Other symptoms of the condition, which is more common in middle-aged and older men, include nocturia (getting up to urinate in during the night), depression, irritability, and sexual dysfunction tied to the lack of restful sleep.
If you suspect your snoring—or a partner’s—is a symptom of sleep apnea, you should consult with a physician to schedule a sleep test and learn about available treatment options.
Snoring and Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) are very frustrating conditions. Snoring can disturb your partner’s sleep and can also affect your relationship. OSA is a more serious problem. Untreated OSA cases are associated with serious heart failure, stroke, heart attack and other serious problems of the respiratory and circulatory system. OSA does not only diminish your quality of life, but can also shorten the length of your life.
Angkor Kampuchea Dental Clinic is the only hospital in Cambodia which offer a new advanced technology solution to snoring and OSA. Our service includes consultation, diagnosis, and treatment with an oral appliance which is worn at night.
We have the latest diagnostic equipment for measuring body mass index, frequency of breathing, and other signs of snoring and OSA.
The patients need to spend one night in their home connected to monitors in order to accurately diagnose your snoring and OSA problem. 7 days later you will get your oral appliance which will effectively eliminate this very serious condition in most cases.